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Short or Long-Term

Fellow believers who will come to Honduras for a week, two weeks, an academic year, or even long-term are amazing reminders of God's blessing. Maybe you know exactly how you could serve here, but maybe you know God is leading and you are not sure about what you could do. Below are the current projects we are trying to start or finish. Maybe these types of projects will spark an interest, or just getting you to think about other possibilities. If God is leading, email us so we can share in the process of seeking God's will with you.

  • Tables and benches for students to eat together outside the classroom. Benches will also serve as seating for chapel.

  • Covered area for shade in the play/common area. The sun is very intense even early in the morning. We no longer have a space large enough for all students to meet inside for chapel or school meetings.

  • 15 passenger van to transport students to and from the ranch.

  • We have multiple building projects we need to raise funds for. Some buildings just need repairs such as paint, new electric and plumbing, and new roofing. We also have some new buildings needed, such as mission housing and animal housing...we are growing and that’s exciting!

  • Expansion of irrigation system...we have a LOT of ground to cover.

  • On-going Fencing...We will be replacing some existing fence and building new in areas where there is none. We especially need to be able to fence the entire parameter for security purposes.

  • We have a need to hire a night-time security guard--one more job we have the opportunity to provide!


Teach English

Cornerstone Christian Academy is a bilingual Christian school including Kindergarten through 11th grade. Many of our teachers speak English and teach our students English. But nothing replaces having a native English speaker in the classroom. Students who can converse and learn from a native English speaker may be able to learn the language better and with better pronunciation and context. Since the beginning of the school, having native English speakers has been a significant attribute of CCA.

If you have the ability to volunteer for one academic year, consider serving with us as an Assistant Teacher at CCA. In addition to teaching English, you will get to teach small group Bible studies as well as focus on the ministry to our students. 

Wellspring of Life will provide housing for English teaching assistants. And the cost of living in Honduras is low. Raising financial support or saving enough finances for an academic year in Honduras is reasonable. 

If serving as an English teaching assistant is something God may be calling you to do, please use the email link below. The Director of CCA will be in contact with you to give you more information, answer questions, and seek God with you if this is a decision you want to make.


Send a Short-Term Missions Team

Teams that come and serve God with their whole heart encourage not only the kids involved, but their families, and the long-term efforts of our ministries. Because of that, we are always in need of teams that can come and give through the gifts God has given them. Some examples of ways teams have served are through Vacation Bible Schools, ranch projects, construction projects, prayer walking, administration, and any number of proposals churches or groups would like to partner with us to do. 

If our team came to serve, where would we stay?

We currently have two mission houses that are adjacent to each other and next to Cornerstone Christian Academy. The houses are cinder block construction (which is the type of construction seen in the village), and each sleeps six people with three sets of bunk beds. Both houses have electricity, air conditioning, kitchens with a range and refrigerator, and indoor plumbing. 

What are some inconveniences we can expect to experience?

It is good to anticipate a lack of convenience. There is a chance the electricity may go out (though this is rare). A quick trip to the bank in town can turn into an entire day. There is a chance running water in facets and toilets may not always be available. The mission houses have a 250 gallon raised water tank that can provide running water on the off days if conserved.  Showers are generally a trickle. But as far as drinking water, there is never a lack.

How much will it cost to stay in El Doradito?

Lodging in the mission houses are $20 per person per night. This covers the electricity and water costs and helps the ministry recoup the cost to purchase, remodel, and put air conditioning in each house.

How much will it cost to eat in El Doradito?

A wonderful cook named Naivy, who lives in the village, is happy to prepare meals for you at the very reasonable cost of $4 per person per meal. She cooks mostly Honduran meals which are very good. Some teams take care of their own breakfasts and lunches buying items from a grocery store about five miles away from the village. There is also a small market about 50 yards from the mission houses where you can buy soda, ships, candy, etc. 

Is it safe to go to Honduras?

There are some places in Honduras that are dangerous. Like any city or country, there are some places that you know to avoid. Those places in Honduras will also be avoided during your time here. As a village that missionaries helped establish, it is respected. It's always good to know the travel advisories set by the U.S. Embassy, which can be found by clicking here.


Are any vaccines required to travel to Honduras?

There is no quick way to answer this question. The Center for Disease Control gives advice for what all travelers should have, what most get, and what some get before traveling to Honduras. To see up-to-date information, you can click here.


Are there any other health related things we should know?

It is not uncommon for travelers to get a stomach bug. Bringing medications to address these issues would be recommended. Also, insect repellent with DEET is recommended. Some have recommended wet wipes with the repellent in them. Mosquitoes will be present. Dengue fever has occurred in the village in the past, but daily application and reapplication of the repellent will keep them from biting you. Also the tap water is not suitable for drinking.

What's the weather like?

It's hot and humid year round. It rains more June through November and a little cooler in October through February, but the changes are slight, and it can rain year-round. The average temperature is 81 degrees; the coolest month is typically January and the hottest month is typically May. 

What clothes are appropriate considering the culture and the work we will be doing?

What are some valuable lessons previous mission teams have learned that would be helpful for us to know when preparing to do ministry in Honduras, and specifically in El Doradito?

Missions Team

Jesus said to his disciples,

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."

Matthew 9:37

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