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Newsletter December 2022

Wellspring of Life Newsletter Educating and Equipping with the Word of God

This year has brought so much thankfulness in our hearts to the Lord for that great work He has done and allowed us to be a part of in Honduras. As our ministry partners, you all have played a huge part in pulling together as the body of Christ to petition the Lord as well as give financially to help us serve our brothers and sisters in Honduras, as well as plant, water and harvest both the spiritual as well as the physical. What a blessing to us and our community to have the school opened to in-person classes once again this year. We have had mission teams come and pour into preparing the school and teachers to give the Word. We have overcome the obstacle of having all our legalized agreements that we have fought for since 2018. This is such a huge stress to have been able to set aside going into the new year. In the process, we were able to share with the Ministry of Education for Honduras, as well as our local government officials our heart and desire to serve the Lord through serving this community. Over this year we have also been able to establish a Honduran leadership team, which is always our goal as a ministry, to manage the day to day running of the school which in the past four and half years has fallen almost entirely on the shoulders of the ministry. We look forward to walking alongside them in 2023 to see the school flourish in carrying-out the mission of educating and equipping the next generation with the Word of God. This year we have seen the ranch absolutely flourish with restoration projects, new construction projects as well as livestock growth. We literally stand in awe of God's mighty hand in this. As we go into the new year will be bringing these projects to a finish and will enter a new phase. We will welcome another missionary family that will serve along-side of us. With added leadership we will be able to extend our scope in the community by having another mentor and teacher to help teach the Word through practical and yet life-changing skills. Through every construction or restoration project we have poured into each worker the lifesaving, life changing Gospel. We have been blessed to see the fruit of that with salvations, baptism, discipleship and growth in the life of each new believer. It is now their opportunity to bring it full circle and now teach the generation behind them. For example, Dilcia, our precious sister in Christ was saved and baptized last year at the ranch. She has a love for the Word and for others. She is now beginning that process of the reproducing that in the lives of others. On the ranch she has learned to make cheese from the milk that ranch produces. The cheese is sold by the second and third grade classes in order to raise money for the school. Now with the bus that was donated, we can have larger amounts of students visit and learn about the process as well as those that will learn the skill for themselves while be mentored and discipled by Diclia. It is a beautiful process to be a part of and we pray that it will be replicated one hundred-fold in 2023. We thank you for your continued prayer into this new year. Some specific items to be in prayer for:

  • The discernment to stand still when needed and the boldness to walk forward in faith when required.

  • It has always been the ministry's goal to be and remain debt free. We do not go into debt for any project. Projects are worked on and completed as the Lord provides. We are currently finishing up two ministry housing projects. As stated above we would like to have these projects completed early in the beginning of 2023 as we turn our full focus to other areas of ministry. Please pray for the funding to close these projects out.

  • Pray for our new missionary family that will join us in February 2023. Thomas and Becca McRea and their three children are from Louisiana where that have been raising their support and preparing their family to join us for the past year. They bring experience in teaching, agriculture, and ministry which we are confident will make them a perfect fit.

  • Once again, I want to give the Lord praise to bring us to a point of our completed agreements for the school to run and have full accreditation for every student that graduates to be able to attend university if they so choose. This was a very time-consuming, expensive and stressful burden that we can now leave in 2022 and move forward in 2023. The only residual is the last four thousand dollars to pay the ministry's lawyer that made it all happen. He has graciously allowed the ministry to pay monthly, but we would like to have this out of the way as soon as possible as not to carry any debt into the future to maintain our goal of being a debt-free ministry.

  • Pray that every student, every family member, every visitor that steps foot at Cornerstone Christian Academy, Cornerstone Chrisian Ranch and Church will be impacted with the Gospel.

Often times pictures are louder than words so we will leave you with some before and after pictures so you too can rejoice with us! There are really too many to include but even just a few will give a reminder to us all of God's restoration power. The first picture is how it was when we started and the second at a similar angle being used now. As we enter 2023 may we go boldly, confident that God is in the business of restoration. May we all continually seek out those opportunities to share the power of the Gospel. "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20,21


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